Davy Meykens — INTJ
Hi there! I’m passionate about design, technology, and all sorts of random interesting things. If you enjoy my content, break the antisocial pattern and reach out. Let’s have a real conversation!
Latest perspectives
Unveiling the INTJ personality type
In a world obsessed with conformity, I proudly embrace the edge—a simmering fire of passion. Let’s redefine the rules, leaving a mark that defies the ordinary. Welcome to the realm of an INTJ personality
Why Button Design Doesn’t Matter: Debunking the Myth of Web Design Obsession
Should we make the button a bit larger? Would it be better in green? Could we underline the text? Can we add some animation? — Well nobody cares, Karen. It all comes down to …
The AI Hoax: Challenging the Overhyped Perception of Artificial Intelligence
Amidst the AI frenzy, it’s vital to discern between hype and reality. While AI presents opportunities, its limitations often get overshadowed. Let’s debunk the myths and get to…